Tuesday 26 March 2013

Granny stripe scarf

I love the feeling of new wool, especially a kind that I've never purchased before. These soft light colours just called out to be a scarf. I hated the initial part of counting out the chain length, but the end justified the means.

I don't consider myself an expert, I know I have a lot to learn, but I also have a lot to give. This is the first time I've ever work a granny technique and I think it turned out pretty well.

I hate the fact that only a minuscule fraction of my generation has the patience or willingness to learn how to knit, or crochet, or sew, or embroider. All of these are dying arts, in one or two generations time there won't be any of us left! It is a purpose of mine to teach as many young people as I can, to inspire an interest. Many people love the end product but don't have the willpower to create it themselves!
For any of you out there in cyberspace who happen to have stumbled upon this page, whether you are a grandmother, mother or someone like me. Try to teach as many people as you can, show them what can be accomplished.

BrightlyBurst, over and out.

Saturday 23 March 2013


Using beautiful fabric I decided to make a pillowcase for my younger sister, I spent half an hour crocheting the sides and adding massive buttons to the sides. Our gorgeous cat Thumper loves it and has furthermore claimed it as her own when it isn't in use.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Mutant pathway

Walking along this particular street you only slightly notice the massive blue footprints, but today I noticed something a little different. MUTANT FOOTPRINTS! Well one mutant foot at least, six toes? How normal is that?

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Organised chaos

This is my take on the 'purl bee' bear's rainbow blanket. The colours are not as RAINBOW as their version, it kind of turned out like organised chaos of a rainbow. I'm loving the more finished side of the product. Not looking forward to joining it all together!

Monday 4 March 2013

Cushions from scraps

Awhile ago I was graciously given a garbage bag choc-a-block FULL of pure natural dyed wool. I didn't have much use for the scratchy wool so I picked up one of my old better homes and gardens magazines and created four squares into the beginning of a cushion cover. At this point I have run out of the wool so I plan to make up the remaining space with sewn calico, I think it will match the natural colours nicely. Thoughts?