Friday 12 June 2015


Hi out there is Blogland,

I know I haven't been here in awhile, but it's not really one of my priorities (and I'm not always in Internet range) for whatever reason the wifi only works in the front half of the house! Stupid technology!


If you know me, you know I'm arty. I love drawing and being creative. I tend to be very critical of myself and don't enjoy being praised. I don't like people talking about my art to me. 

I also get a bit more offended than I should when people criticise my work. I tend to paint or draw things that are very personal to me, or have a very personal affiliation. But I'm working on it, I know I'll come into criticism as long as I'm an artist. 

If you follow me on Instagram you've probably seen most of these pics, but if not, enjoy. 
And feel free to comment.