Friday 12 June 2015


Hi out there is Blogland,

I know I haven't been here in awhile, but it's not really one of my priorities (and I'm not always in Internet range) for whatever reason the wifi only works in the front half of the house! Stupid technology!


If you know me, you know I'm arty. I love drawing and being creative. I tend to be very critical of myself and don't enjoy being praised. I don't like people talking about my art to me. 

I also get a bit more offended than I should when people criticise my work. I tend to paint or draw things that are very personal to me, or have a very personal affiliation. But I'm working on it, I know I'll come into criticism as long as I'm an artist. 

If you follow me on Instagram you've probably seen most of these pics, but if not, enjoy. 
And feel free to comment.

Thursday 26 February 2015


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Isn't that just sometimes the way? Just Blah! Sick of lupus, sick of hospitals, sick of depressing thoughts, just sick of it. 

And you know what, that's okay. It's alright to just say "this just totally sucks!"

Monday 19 January 2015


Now generally I'm not that into video games and such, it has to be something REALLY good to hold my attention. To few games actually have a solid storyline and even fewer are actually decent. 

I mean how skimpy do the clothes have to be to attract attention? Whatever happened to modesty? Or decency? I mean I'm not that old, only 20, and even I remember a time when it was inappropriate to wear vulgar images on t-shirts, parents had a control on how short was TOO short and how low was TOO low!!! It's sad to see girls just showing everything, because one way or another they will get hurt and is it really any wonder they are taken advantage of?

Anyway gone off track from what I wanted to write about. It's probably better cause my original plan wasn't all that interesting!

I was just homes cycle through the things I do when I feel like falling through the floor from pain and exhaustion!

If you've scrolled through just about any previous post you've seen my knitting and crochet. I find it super relaxing and it also helps keeps my fingers and wrists from freezing up.  

But on the less technical side of things, or maybe it's more technical cause it has to do with technology?

*please keep in mind this is NOT a sponsored post, I just really like telling you guys what I'm up to

But I've been playing these three games HEAPS!!! Anyone who actually knows me, knows that I am a die hard HTTYD, fantasy, and dragons-in-general fan!!! So I've been playing this game since the day it came out! It's strangely addictive considered it's passive gameplay. It's one of those games that you do a bunch of stuff, wait a few hours and then do some more stuff. But then again I might be biased due to its HTTYD nature!

Dragons: Rise of Berk

I'm only a recent comer to this game but (like all the other games on the post) strangely addictive! I am (can you guess?) a die hard superhero fan! Except for superman, he is far to cliched and overpowered! And I'm aware that would probably kill every other DC fan but it's the TRUTH!!!

But this game is MARVEL made. And it's awesome. You get to formulate your own team, upgrade your individual heroes and then fight them against your opponents. There is a internet fighting arena against other people but I don't really do that. It's fun on its own and it has a great range of heroes available to win or buy and although a lot of it seems to run on actual cash you can have a decent time without spending a cent!

Marvel: Contest of Champions

This is Panda Pop. And although it's probably been around for awhile I have only recently discovered it and play it WAY too much. Since taking this picture a few days ago I have progressed to level 147!! Which I am slightly ashamed of (insert cheeky grin here). 

What do you do when your sick? Or in hospital? Do you play any video/tablet games?

And if anyone actually reads this PLEASE give me a shout on my Facebook page of the same name (meaning Brightly Burst) I'm not sure that anyone actually pays attention!

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Busy resting!

Might sound like a bit of an oxymoron to most people, but for anyone like me it's quite common. 

Even when I'm doing nothing I find it difficult to actually turn my brain off!!!

I'm the kind of person who likes to be doing something even if it's just writing or reading or drawing. 

But lupus leaves little space for simply pushing through the day, for most people you push through the day and sleep in a little the next day or just take it easy. But for anyone with lupus or diseases like it, it's difficult to just keep going. 

Your body demands rest, or shuts down and you end up in hospital. 

I've been in hospital twice over the last three months with undiagnosable kidney weirdness.

I've had multiple ultrasounds, blood tests, even a hesitant CT scan. But the doctors still don't know what's wrong. 

Because of where we live I have to go to Joondalup Health Campus. 

The only upside is "The Buttery" cafe across the street. BEST banana (and golden syrup) cake ever!!!! And they also do a phenomenal sour cream and nectarine cake!!! SO EPIC!!! 

But the hospital is mainly for accidents, no renal team.

So I have after being in hospital October onwards, I'm just waiting for an appointment at Charlie Gardner Hospital with a kidney specialist there. 

Waiting is TORTURE!!! 

It's so frustrating not to know what's going on in my guts!!!


Well I started writing with 'holidays' as my intention. I never write much when life gets busy, it's simply not a priority. 

It's times like these I sit back and tell myself to:

As in the opposite of overwhelmed (any young justice fan should understand).

Anyways, my birthday is the 23rd so that was fun. Got some AWESOME T2 products including the following tea and a gorgeous Gardiner teapot and cup set. 

And here comes my Christmas Eve pumpkin. 

If there was such a thing, but I made him on Christmas Eve so I suppose it works. 

Either way it's cute, I'm going to make a little garden to go around him and hopefully end up with a little character to live there.

And finally here are my gloves in progress. I could never find tipless crochet glove patterns. I'm sure I'm not the pioneer, but on the off chance that I am, what are the chances no one thought of this before??? 

To anyone whose reading, how was your Christmas? Any special Christmas projects? Crochet or otherwise?

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Moment's glance

Making : Crocheted kids in animal costumes
Drinking : Tetley Peach tea
Reading: 'Arthur' by Stephen Lawhead
Wanting: Some new wool (my stash is wearing VERY thin)
Looking: At my IPad screen writing this post!
Playing: With the idea of doing Butterfly kid to go with the set of Animal kids.
Deciding: What to eat for lunch
Wishing: The doctors could figure out what's wrong with my kidney
Enjoying: The company of my AWESOME brother
Waiting: For my birthday! 20 this year! SCARY!!!

Cooking: Tomato, Basil and Bacon Pasta for dinner the other night. Man was it good!!!
Liking: Nothing on facebook, continuous updates bug me.
Wondering: What to get a friend for Christmas. It HAS to be something good and she's really hard to           shop for!
Loving: My new sewing machine foot. It's a free-motion quilting one. 
Pondering: The use for a headphone jack on my TV? That would be uncomfortable to use!
Considering: Stopping this list soon, that is if you made it this far! Maybe I'll continue tomorrow, with more pictures!

Lupus Awareness

I never seem to quite catch-on to this blogging thing. 

I see all these amazing people, doing amazing things. 

Changing the way people think, feel and create. 

I do no such thing, I don't reach a huge audience, I don't have a new adventure everyday. 

I don't live organically, cook vegan, dye my own wool or sell my products on a global scale. 

Come to think of it, I don't even sell them on a local scale!

As a sufferer of the auto-immune disease known as lupus and other medical jargon, I find it difficult just to do the small amount I can. 

Very few people know much about lupus, not even the doctors. 

Sufferers go to rheumatologists instead of actual lupus specialists. 

Lupus is NOT like diabetes where there's a "Type A" or "Type B". 

EVERY lupus patient is different. 

Lupus causes the White blood cells, (that usually attack foreign bodies, such as infection) but for a lupus patient the cells attack healthy tissue and our own organs. 

It is a progressive disease, it only gets worse as time goes by, causing organs to fail and side effects from the medication you take to help with the pain. 

For some people, such as my Dad and myself, the disease can change HOURLY. In the morning I can be fine, ready to see friends or go out, the next I could be heading to bed overcome with pain. 

It's difficult to make a healthy person understand, it's a difficult thing to watch someone go through, it's a horrendous thing to have to cause your family to go through.

It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone, but it is a subject that warrants more research and understanding.

Do you know someone going through this? Or something similar?

Thursday 28 August 2014

Busy, busy, busy

Photos done in order, it seems to make everything a bit easier to remember? 

I recently bought a fantastic empisal knitting machine, and let me tell you it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I played with nothing else for a week! Just mucking around with tension and different fibers and stuff.

I only actually created one thing (the pumpkin further down.)

I completed two custom beanie orders for Eagles colours. I think they turned out pretty good and my customer was very pleased!

I read through a Knit scene magazine awhile ago, I think it was the spring issue. I came across the "Boscombe Socks" in the deductions section by Lisa Jacobs. 

They quickly became my favourite pattern of the issue and I decided I had to have them, (I very rarely make anything for myself). 

But I changed them to knee length, just something I've always wanted to have!

I made this on my thrifted semco tapestry loom, I couldn't find any info on the internet about how to use it or anything so I went in a bit blind!

But I think I really pulled it out in the end, my dragon obsession is a bit clear? For those who don't know it is Toothless' symbol from 'How To Train Your Dragon'

This is the aforementioned pumpkin, made as a gift and pretty darn cute if I do say so myself!

Here is a picture of my first voyage into shuttle tatting, not nearly as hard as I'd imagined.

It just takes a bit of practice to remember the motions, I now have to make SIX more to complete the doily. 

I think it will be well worth it when I'm finished.

And finally the makings of a childish duffle bag, I can't think of what to do for the next panel though!!! Suggestions?